Kosice: 10 April 2017

On 10 April 2017, Technical University of Kosice hosted the team from ZAM, Poland: Agnieszka Niedziela, Bogusław Kiszka and Jakub Fic and the team from BOR, Czech Republic: Jaroslav Hájek and Tomáš Holík. Their secondments started on 10.04.2017 and are due to finish on 09.06.2017. We wish a successful stay!

Lublin: 31 March 2017

On 31.03.2017 Ms Alžbeta Perháčová and Mr Stanislav Benčo from SEZ as well as Mr Jaroslav Hájek and Mr Tomáš Holík from BOR provided reports on their studies and finished their secondments.

We wish them a safe journey back!

Lublin: 22 February 2017

The members of Newex project staff from LUT together with secondment staff members from BOR and SEZ took place in on-line training conducted by the company Clarivate Analytics in the basics and calculation the Impact Factor and the selection of journals for publication.