Ing. Ivan Gajdos from TUK, during his presentation on 13.04.2017, talked about CAx solutions for polymer processing technologies. While the extrusion process has been utilized for commercial products since the mid-1800s, designing, modeling and computer simulation is merely in its infancy. However, the advantages offered by CAx technologies make it well suited to further advance the extrusion process through the next decades. Simulation and CAE of the extrusion process and equipment permits a systematic design rather than ad hoc designs based solely on experience. While traditional experimental design of the extrusion process is focused on producing an acceptable product, oftentimes there is no explicit understanding of how process variables interrelate with one another and affect the final extrudate. Simulation also offers significant advantages in the design of extruder screws and mixing devices. Computer simulation allows an engineer the possibility to x201C;try out x201D; numerous new designs on the computer rather than expend time and costs associated with developing and testing a prototype. With the increasing requirements to decrease costs, improve product quality, and increase productivity, CAx solutions provides an important tool to improve quality and throughput and, thus, profitability.